Chloroacetamide-Linked Nucleotides and DNA for Cross-Linking with Peptides and Proteins

Časopis: BIOCONJUGATE CHEMISTRY 27, 2089-2094
Autoři: Olszewska, A., Pohl, R., Brazdova, M., Fojta, M., Hocek, M.
Rok: 2016


Nucleotides, 2'-deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs), and DNA probes bearing reactive chloroacetamido group linked to nucleobase (cytosine or 7-deazadaenine) through a propargyl tether were prepared and tested in cross-linking with cysteine- or histidine-containing peptides and proteins. The chloroacetamide-modifed dNTPs proved to be good substrates for DNA polymerases in the enzymatic synthesis of modified DNA probes. Modified nucleotides and DNA reacted efficiently with cysteine and cysteine-containing peptides, whereas the reaction with histidine was sluggish and low yielding. The modified DNA efficiently cross-linked with p53 protein through alkylation of cysteine and showed potential for cross-linking with histidine (in C277H mutant of p53).